Cute Cat Monday! (Reddit Edition)

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Morning, folks! Hope your day has been chaos-free and cheerful so far.

If not (hey, it happens), then I’m just in time. Here’s your weekly dose of cute, hilarious cats to remind you that it’s not all bad out there. :]

Today’s post is brought to you courtesy of reddit, a site I check way more often than I care to admit. So without further ado, here are the cutest, most hilarious cats to grace the pages of r/cats in the last year.


Kitties of reddit


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Pretty sure our cat thinks the crib we put together was for him. – u/Maxb175


She loves reminding me I’m basically my husband’s side chick. – u/DeniseGrace



Stay warm out there.” – u/mike_pants



I think my cat is actually a tiny man in a cat suit.” – u/jayn88



Cat photobombs a family picture.” – u/linkinstreet



Her new obsession with the pole has me mildly concerned. – u/sammixxlove


cat box paradise

This cat paradise of boxes.


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This tiny kitty that’s the big spoon.


three terrified cats

How to terrify all your cats at the same time.


cats ceiling fan

These cats seeing a ceiling fan for the first time.



cat math

This cat math equation.


This kitty suddenly running out of batteries.


This lost and found poster.


cat math

And finally, this wiggling ball of floof.



Browse more hair curling cuteness at r/cats and r/aww.



That’s all for this week! Stay tuned—more adorableness in store next Monday.

Subscribe below to get cuteness delivered fresh to your inbox. (Clinically proven to make a pre-coffee world slightly less horrifying.)

6 comments on “Cute Cat Monday! (Reddit Edition)”

  1. Those are some funny cats! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      Reddit cats never fail to amuse!!

  2. Ellen Pilch says:

    Those are great. I like those cat boxes.

    1. Why Cat Why says:

      Yes, the cat fanatic/nerd in me approves. :]

  3. Diane Ricciardi Stewart says:

    MOL MOL MOL!!!!!!! ♥♥♥

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